If you are not sure what your app name and tagline should be this article will help to make some of that clear and to tell you where you can go to discover if that name is available for use. 

What is the App Name & App Tagline?

I like to think about them as having a similar structure as a Book Name and a Book Subtitle. The Book Name is often pretty short and may be pretty ambiguous sounding, but captures the essence of the book. The Book Subtitle is a short sentence that explains in greater detail what the book is about.

It is the exact same thing with your App Name and App Tagline. The App Name is usually between 1-3 words long. The App Tagline is usually between 5-9 words long. It can be in sentence format, or more like bullet points. 

For examples of other App Names & Taglines you can check out the App Stores {below}. To see examples of other clients who are already using the ACTIONERA App Platform and the names/taglines they chose, you can look here.

Example List 1

Example List 2

Is the App Name I want already taken?

The best way to find out if the App Name you want to use is already taken, you should search for that name in the Apple and Android Stores. Search both stores since these are the only 2 places that mobile Apps are sold/downloaded from, looking there will let you know if the App Name you want is available.

For Android Store click HERE!

For Apple Store click HERE! 

Trademarks, etc.

You may want to do additional research on your App Name to see if there are any existing registered trademarks. This is something additional and the ownness is on the app owner to do this type of research (ACTIONERA doesn't do this for you). You can do this research at the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

Search the USPTO Trademark Database HERE!