ACTIONERA created the app technology first. The web version of the app is a relatively new product that is designed to roll-out in 4 phases. As of the publication date of this article, we are only in phase 2. Certain changes may not be visible or take affect yet, simply because it has not be interfaced to work with the web version yet.
We ask you to be patient and understanding as we bring this technology to its full version, which will ultimately display all features currently in the app in the web version as well. Please do not report concerns and issues in the web version unless we have announced through email, or our support calls that a particular feature has gone live. In those instances, we would very much like to know if something isn't working when we have announced that it should be.
Q1. Why is it that changes I make in the Content Portal appear differently in the App versus the Web, or do not appear at all in the Web version of the app?