PART 2: Adding PLR Tags to the "My Courses" Directory

Note About this Article

This article is for app owners who purchased the 60 PLR mini-courses from ACTIONERA and who currently have the PLR in their apps.


We have finished importing the 60PLR into your app! 

To ensure that ALL the mini-courses are showing up in the MY COURSES directory once they are unlocked, follow the instructions below. This should only take a few minutes. 

Quick Fix: Add PLR tags to the MY COURSES Directory

STEP 1: Locate the MY COURSES directory

1. Log into the Creator Portal

2. Go to the Manage tab

3. Click on Directories:

4. Search for or scroll to the MY COURSES directory and click Update:



You should now be on the Edit Directory page. You will see that a bunch of tags have already been added to the Directory, we need you to add just 8 more of them. 

  • Beat Procrastination
  • Better Habits
  • Embrace Your Weirdness
  • Less ls More
  • Life Of Contentment
  • Make Things Happen
  • Self Reflection
  • Being Whole

After adding these 8 tags, just click Submit and you're all done!

PRO TIP #1: Delete the 2 Extra "hidden" Tags

A carry over feature from the original 50 PLR is that we created extra hide tags. These are no longer being used in the 60PLR and are completely redundant. They are named:

  • Hidden Content
  • hide courses

You do not need them in your app and if you haven't personally used them for anything, then you are safe to delete them, if you like.

The only tag you need is the Hide tag: