• For v8.0 to v9.0
  • Not for v7.0 and earlier

Setting Up Your Actionera Unlock and Track Screens


The Unlock/Track Screen is a very important screen in both your app and your website as it uses unlock and TrackaConnect codes that you've created to give users access to paid, private, or opt-in content.

You can access this screen under SETUP in the content portal:

Unlock/Track Options and Fields

Image of the Unlock/Track Screen

Title and Description

  • Title - Your screen title is used to quickly help your users understand the purpose of this screen
  • Description - To further help users understand how they can use the page, or to move them towards the Call to Action, your description is the main written text that your users will see on this screen and is often used either by directing them on where to find their unlock code, or on how to get an unlock code.
NOTE: Your description is uniquely written for app and web users, and should be written as such within the description section. Switch between both using the the app/web tab in the top right of the description box
  • Video or Image URL - You can further improve engagement within your description by including either a video or an image, which you can either upload directly or share a direct link to. The content will appear in the 'Hero' section when the screen loads (very close to the top of the screen)

Call To Action

Not every screen has to have a Call to Action, but if you want it to have one all you need to do is complete the Call to Action Section

  • Call to Action Text - This is the text that will appear directly on the Call to Action Button
  • Call to Action URL - When the button is clicked your user will be directed to whatever URL you have included in this space


For a majority of your users, the TrackaConnect system will be new to them and the initial title and description may not be enough to help your users understand how to get access to content they may have purchased. Because of this you can include further instructional content that your users can view as a pop-up when they select the '?' info button on the screen.

  • TRACKACONNECT Instructions Text - Any text you enter into this section will be immediately viewable when your user selects the info button on the screen
  • TRACKACONNECT Video URL - Additionally you can include an instructional video on how to use the trackaconnect page