Note About this Article
This article is for app owners who purchased the 60 PLR mini-courses from ACTIONERA and who currently have the PLR in their apps as of December 2022.
Adding Additional Content or Comments to the 60 PLR
While the license prevents you from modifying the actual PLR (ebooks, reports, videos, etc), you can add to any of the Lessons to customize them a bit.
Feel free to create additional videos, add images, change the description, choose new icons, or even add to the sections to enhance the mini course.
1. Log into the Content Portal
2. Go to the ACTIONPAGES tab and click on Lessons:
3. Locate the lesson you wish to add content to and click Update:
Here are some ideas of what you can add:
1. Edit the Description
2. Change the image
3 & 4. Add a Call to Actin
5. Add a new Section (with your own video and content)
6. Update the existing section details with comments, images, journal prompts
As long as you don't edit the actual PLR PDFs or videos, you are OK.
Bundling The PLR Mini-Courses
In another article, we provide instructions about how to sell and give access to the 60 PLR. If you are looking to group the mini-courses into bundles, or sell them as a whole package, you can do so easily by creating a tag.
- Create a new, custom tag (specific to the bundle)
- Create an All Access tag (to unlock ALL)
Example 1: A Specific Bundle Offering
1. Log into the Content Portal
2. Go to the Manage tab
3. Click on Tags and then Add Tag:
4. Tag Type is Content. In this example, we named the tag "Wellness"
5. Click Submit to save:
6. Go to the Manage tab and select Topics/Listings
7. Locate the PLR title you wish to add to the bundle and click Update
8. Add the new Wellness tag and click Submit to save:
9. Add the same tag to the other mini-courses you are bundling together:
We are now able to provide a single Unlock Code which will grant access to the four mini-courses we are offering in our "Wellness" bundle.
This would be the code to provide, after the person has purchased the bundle through your payment page.
Example 2: Create an "All Access" Tag
The process is exactly the same as the above (steps 1-8), except instead of naming the tag "Wellness" we named it "All Access":
Instead of adding the tag to just 4 mini-courses, we would then add the "All Access" tag to ALL of the 60 PLR topics:
***NOTE*** will need to Update and add the All Access tag to ALL 60 PLR topics
This would be the code to provide, after the person has purchased the bundle through your payment page so they can unlock all the mini-courses with just one Unlock Code.