• For Everyone

How-to Gain Access & Log Into the Creator Portal

ACTIONERA clients who have bought the Free, Pro, Pro+ (hereby referred to as "Shared Apps"), or Biz+ (hereby referred to as "Branded apps") plans, will be given access to the Creator Portal (Formerly referred to as the Content Portal). The Creator Portal is how app owners are able to add content to and make changes to their app and companion website. 

ACTIONERA Account Vs. The Creator Portal?

References to your ACTIONERA Account or to the Creator Portal are essentially the same thing. We are talking about the same technology. The Creator Portal is the interface that allows you to upload, create and change content in your app. You gain access to the Creator Portal by creating your ACTIONERA Account. The account is just your name, an email and password.

1. When do I gain access?

After you have made an app purchase with ACTIONERA you will begin the shared or branded app onboarding process. We try to set up your account as soon as possible, after the first onboarding call that you have with us. This usually happens within 24-48hrs of the call. This is the same call where we gather information about the name of your app and its tagline. Once the account has been set up you will be notified by the email you gave us. 

2. How do I gain access?

The process of creating your account is typically done for you. In some cases, you may receive a link that allows you to create the account yourself. All you need to do is choose your password. When your account is created, you will receive the email below. Follow the instructions in the email to finish setting up your account and logging into the Creator Portal for the first time.

*image of account confirmation email

3. When can I begin loading content into my app?

For BRANDED app owners:

Gaining access to your creator portal is an exciting moment. It is how you are going to shape the vision of your app into reality. We encourage going in and checking everything out now that you have access.

However, as BRANDED app owners you have paid extra to have us help you with the soft launch of your app and getting it approved through Apple and Android. This means that your main focus should be on finishing your content submission form and completing the on-boarding process. This form will give you a better idea of the structure of the app but it will also give you examples of what your app will look like as a final product. 

NOTE: For all new BRANDED app owners starting in August of 2024, you will be interacting with our App Launch Wizard to go through the App Launch Process. This means that the Content Submission Form will no longer be used. 

While it may be a bit of a tease to give you access to this amazing technology and then ask you not to use it, that is the best way to get your app live quickly. Our goal is to take the approval process entirely off your plate. After many multiple app submissions we have learned exactly how to make an app look, in order to get it approved. 

That is the purpose of the content submission form, to meet the look, feel and minimum requirements that we know these 2 giant tech companies are looking for. It would be counter-productive to have you enter your content into the app only to have to re-arrange, hide or delete it in order to get your app approved. Rest assured that after the approval process you will have free range and flexibility in the creator portal to shape the unique look and feel of your app. 

So for BRANDED app owners, the time for playing around in and uploading your content is immediately after we have finished getting the app approved from Apple and Android. See additional resources below to learn about using the creator portal and the various strategies we teach for maximizing your reach and profit. 

For SHARED app owners:

You can begin loading content as soon as you have access to the creator portal. We recommend checking out our video training series created specifically for SHARED app owners. It will walk you step-by-step and help you get up to speed with our BRANDED app owners. In no time at all, you will have enough content in your app to start your own soft launch. 

BRANDED & SHARED Additional Resources:

The Creator Portal

Trainings and Weekly Support Calls

Our 1K+ Bootcamp Training Program


Can't find the email

If you believe you have received this email already but can't find it, try searching for this email header: 

Your New Actionera Content Creator Account 

If you can't find it in main area of your email, check your spam folder. If you still can't find it, try searching your other emails just in case it was sent to a different email instead. If all else fails, you can contact our support team and we will send out the email again. To contact support about this issue, send an email to support@actionera.com

Can't find login area for the Creator Portal

Click on this link right HERE! Then click on the Log in to Continue Button. Then copy and save the web address that it takes you to so that you know how to get back there in the future.  

Forgot Password

Make sure to set up your password as soon as you get the above email*. If you have already done that and are now having trouble signing in, try these steps:

1. Confirm that you are using the correct email address for your login. Do this by finding the above email* in your email account. That is the best way to know that you are using the correct email address for logging in. The image* above will only ever appear within the email account that your ACTIONERA Account is linked to. 

2. If the password(s) are not working, then click on the Forgot your password? text, it will take you to the image below. Then just follow the instructions.