• For v8.0 to v9.0
  • Not for v7.0 and earlier

Setting Up Your Directories

An initial question you may have is "What are Directories", especially within the context of ACTIONERA.

A directory is a designated folder where you can setup grouped content to be seen when someone accesses a specific directory. You can have as many directories as you want, and through the tag system you can customize who in your audience can see which directories and the subsequent content contained within them.

Each directory is filled via listings that are assigned to appear in individual, or groups of, directories.

You can access directories under MANAGE in the Content Portal:

Directories Options and Fields

Image of the Main Directories Screen

Image of a New Directory Screen

New Directory Fields

  • Directory Name - This is the title of the directory which will appear in title sections and as the text on buttons
  • Sub-Line - The sub-line is companion text that will appear adjacent to your directory name to give further context as needed to individual directories.
  • Image URL - You can include images, either via direct URL or uploaded, that will appear as the thumbnail image for your directory
  • Sort Order - See Sort Order for more info
  • Tags - See Tags for more info