How-to Add Journal Content

Follow the steps below to learn how to add journal content to your app, or watch our detailed video training right here 

Step 1: Access the Journal List 

While in the Content Portal, go to the Content tab and select> Journals

This will pull up the 'Journal List.' The 'Journal List' will populate as you add more and more journal content to it. To add journal content, left click on the [Add Journal] button to get to the 'New Journal' Form

Step 2: Filling Out The 'New Journal' Form

  1. Title: Enter the Name of your Journal Here. NOTE: There is a 70 character limit
  2. Image URL: Insert the image URL or Upload the image directly
  3. Audio URL: Insert the audio URL or Upload the audio directly
    NOTE: The Image and Audio that you directly upload to the Content Portal, cannot be downloaded again later using the UPDATE button. Keep a copy saved outside the Content Portal (see Edit/Update a Video)
  4. Description: This is the area where you provide context and instructions to the app user for the journaling question(s)/exercise(s) that are to follow. TIP: The journals can be used in a variety of ways to give value to your app. Here are a few ways we suggest using the journal area: 
    (1) Description area has a theme (ex. finding your why). Journal 1-5 may focus on only one or multiple questions that help the app user make introspective discoveries (ex. J1 - what excites you?, J2 - What are your strengths?, etc.) 
    (2) Description area introduces a transformative process (ex. processing the 5 stages of grief). Journal 1-5, each Journal is one stage of the transformational process, with possibly multiple questions or prompts (ex. J1 - How might denial show up in your life? J2 - Are you experiencing the emotion of anger? In what way?, etc.)  
    (3) Use the journal as a brainstorming exercise. Description area sets up the theme of the brainstorming session. Journals 1-5 can be used to suggest one or multiple things to focus on during the brainstorming session
    (4) Because images & audio can be used, it is also a wonderful idea to use the journal as a way of facilitating a meditative, relaxing or transformational exercise. You could for example, have them listen to a five minute guided breathing & relaxation audio, then journal their experience at the end 
  5. Journal 1-5: There are 5 journal boxes for entries. You can use only 1 or all 5. You can ask only 1 question/give only 1 exercise in each box, or multiples of each. There is a lot of free range here to build your journaling experience in the way that you think will best serve your app users.
  6. Release Date: The default release date will be whatever the current date is. If you would like the content to release at a later date, you can make that adjustment here. NOTE: A release date must be chosen in order to submit the content
  7. Call to Action Text: Add you CTA text here. NOTE: There is a 50 character limit. Can be left blank
  8. Call to Action URL: Add you CTA URL here. NOTE: Can be left blank
  9. Featured?: By turning this button on (turns blue when on) the journal content will be featured on the home screen area of the app. The content is not featured (default state) when turned off. NOTE: You can only feature one journal. If you have toggled this button on for multiple journals, the app will continue to feature the first one it was turned on for. If no journal is featured, a 'no content' message appears when going to the featured journal area. For this reason, we recommend you always have featured content
  10. Topics: In order for your journal content to appear in the app, it must live under a topic or directory listing (except featured content). This is where you select what topic/listing you want your journal to appear under. NOTE: (1) To select a topic/listing, you must have already created the topic/listing name in the content portal. (2) If you get to this step and realize you don't have the topic/listing created yet, don't worry. Submit the 'new journal' content without it, because you can add the topic later - by editing the content

    How-to select the topic: If you have already created the topic/listing, left click in the Topics Box area. To find the topic/listing you want, you can either:
    1. scroll down until you find it
    2. begin typing its name in the box. NOTE: That you only need to type as much of the name as is required for it to appear in the list. This will vary depending on how many topics you have created and how similarly they are named
  11. Sort Order: Use sort order to organize how your content appears in the app. NOTE: The default sort order is 1. The journal content will sort according to the numerical value you give it first, followed by alphabetically if multiple content is given the same number 

    How-to use sort order: If you left mouse click in the sort order box and delete the current number in order to type your own, it will automatically add a zero in front of whatever number you type. For this reason we recommend using one of the following two methods for adding the correct number that you want to type 
    1. use the up/down arrows that appear in the far right of the box when you hover your mouse over the box
    2. highlight the number in the box by either using your mouse or using your keyboard to select-all (PC: Ctrl + A | Mac: Command + A) then type the number you want
  12. Tags: Functions the same way as the Topics box, except you are searching for Tags instead. NOTE: (1) The default tag is to have no tag selected. If you do want a Tag, it must already have been created for you to select it. (2) You are not required to select a tag in order to submit content. (3) You can come back and add/or modify a tag after you have submitted the 'new journal' form

Step 3: Edit/Update Journal Content

The last thing we will be looking at is how you can Edit or Delete journal content after you have created it. 

Finding the Journal Content you want to Edit:
When you are on the 'Journal List' page in the Content Portal, you will see a search box in the upper right hand corner. You can manually scroll through your journal list to find the journal you want to edit, or you can use the search function. You can also toggle the sort order area (clicking on the up & down arrows) to change the order from ascending to descending and visa-versa.

When using the search box, you need only to began typing the name of the journal you are looking for and it will automatically begin eliminating the options until only the name of your journal remains. The search box only applies to the journal name.

Deleting a Journal:

While in the 'Journal List' area, you can delete an entire journal if you want to. You need only click on the trash can icon to the far right of the journal name. Once you click on the trash can, you will be prompted to confirm that you truly want to delete the content. You confirm yes (by clicking the delete button) or no (by clicking the cancel button). Once the content has been deleted, it cannot be recovered again. 

Edit/Update a Journal:

Find the journal that you want to make a change to in the 'Journal List' area. Click on the UPDATE button, on the far right-hand side. Once you select your journal, you will be taken to the 'Edit Journal' area, with the journal content already filled in. From here you can make any changes that you want to in any of the fields on the form. Giving you the same options as when you first created the journal. If you like the changes that you made, click Submit. If you do not, click Cancel and the content will revert back to what it was before you began making the changes.

If you click Submit, there is no way to recover the earlier version(s). So save any content you think you might want later in a separate document outside of the Content Portal. NOTE: The Images and Audio that were directly uploaded to the Content Portal, cannot be downloaded again later using the UPDATE button. That means that if you make a change to the Image or Audio by deleting &/or replacing it, that content will be lost forever if you do not have it saved outside the Content Portal already. If you used a URL, then you can copy the URL out of the Content Portal at a later time, if needed.