• For v8.0 to v9.0+
  • Not for v7.0 and earlier versions

What are ActionForms?

ActionForms are a tool for you to collect information from your users that they can submit to be part of a specified directories, either as a listing or an associated profile as part of a listing.

You can access ActionForms under MANAGE in the Content Portal:

ActionForm Options and Fields

Form Type - When completed, the ActionForm will format the submission to the specific content type selected

Form Name - For internal use only, this will be used to remind you what the form is for

Headline - Included as the header of the form as a short-hand way to let users know what the form is for

Description - A long form description of what the form is for and, if needed, how to complete it

Notification Email - A notification will be sent to an email provided in this field whenever someone submits or edits a submission

Submit Link - Upon completion of the form, the submit link will be where the user is directed to. This can be used to chain multiple forms together by making the completion of one form submit and link to the start of a new, different, form

Active Toggle - When toggled green the form is active, so long as the expiration date has not been passed

Auto-approval Toggles - When toggled green, new and/or edited submission can be auto-approved or held until manually approved by an app creator

Expiration Date - Until the expiration date is passed, the form can still accept new submissions

Tags - If the form type is set to listing, you can add tags to the form to ensure only users with the selected tag can see and submit information to your form

Directory Choice - If the form type is set to listing, you can select as many directories that you want your submissions to appear under

Custom URLs - You can add custom URL fields where you can select the label of the field that your ActionForm will collect, otherwise...

Once your form is live, these fields are automatically collected for Listings:

Name - This will create the name of the listing

Email - This is the associated contact information for the submission

Image(Optional) - This will create the thumbnail for the listing

These fields are automatically collected for Profiles:

Name - This will associate a name with the profile

Title(Optional) - Will display an associated title in the profile

Business Name(Optional) - Will display an associated business name in the profile

Image(Optional) - Will display a thumbnail image associated with the profile

Email Address(Optional) - Will display an email contact for the profile

Bio(Optional) - Will display a short bio related to the profile

Website URL(Optional) - Will display a custom to a website associated with the profile

Social URLs(All Optional) - Will display a small social icon and when clicked will direct to the associated social media site

NOTE: Profiles do not automatically show up in the app and need to be associated with specific listings by navigating to the listing and activating the profile sub-topic as well as navigating to the profile and associating it with the listing(s) you want it to be connected to

These fields are automatically collect for Special Offers:

Name - The name of the special offer/resource

Email - The associated email for the submission

Offer Name or Headline - Public facing version of the name

Video URL(Optional) - This will display a video that can describe the benefits of the special offer

Image - A thumbnail image for the resource

Offer Description - A text description about the benefits of the special offer

Call to Action(Optional) - Creates a Button on the bottom of the screen that directs people to either learn more or purchase to access the special offer

Completed ActionForm Data

When a form has been submitted, the data can be found under the associated ActionForm when you select "Update" as a new sub-menu will exist at the bottom of the screen, outlining all submissions that have been made to the ActionForm.